Sunday, July 08, 2007

Why is ro so watchable?

Whenever I have just a few minutes and need to take a break, I head over to (you guessed it if you read my blogs with any regularity) r blog

I watch her latest video rants about Bush (and wholeheartedly agree with her) and then read the latest questions from her audience and her ee cummings style responses.

I don't know why she is so watchable, but she is. She's headed to P-Town on her "r" Cruise for gay/lesbian families. By the way, people from all walks of life welcome as long as they are gay friendly. My guess is that you will see quite a few lesbians and gay men with their families in tow.

Good for her. Say what you will, but "r" does good work. Not even the Donald could fault her for that.

More Musings Later-

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